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Benedict Fiore

Photo of benedict fiore

Benedict Fiore

  • Date of Birth: 1/19/1914
  • Date Deceased: 5/12/2016
  • Last Known Location: Asheville, NC
  • Degree: Education - General Elementary
  • Date Enrolled NSTC: 9/1/1932
  • Date Graduated from NSTC: 6/17/1935
  • Enlistment Date: 8/15/1942


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Benedict Fiore April 26 1943

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4329 Sheridan Ave.
Miami Beach

Dear Miss Thompson,

This note is more than a bit late  the billfold you folks sent me for Xmas traveled all around the country & rested for a few weeks in every Army mail room until just the other day when it finally reached me. Its grand & thanks loads.

Ive been here at BTC #9 since December, doing physical training work. My wife joined me in January and on Jan 30th made a fine addition to our family, a seven pound scrapper, name of Robert Benedict.

Ive no idea how much longer Ill be here  should move along in a few more months. I hope to take a crack at OCS before then.

I did receive the little newspaper the school published but none since that first issue. Will you send along any other issue published? Address me as above.

So long, young lady  keep me posted

S/Sgt Ben Fiore

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