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April 11, 1945
Hi Mom
Whats the matter didnt you think Id write? Well I said that Id finally get around to it even if it did mean putting me in a hospital but it wont be for long if I can help it and to tell you the truth I dont know why Im in here because all I have is a cut finger. Well its a little bit more than that I got one of my fingers caught between two logs and it crushed the tope end of it; so they stiched it up and then made me stay here.
No Im not going to take a boat ride as they originally planned for me because the company Im in wanted me here so I have my two stripes back again. And can you imagine Ive actually been studying down here - - no not school work - - army manuals. Im really enjoying my work down here now because it is giving me more experience in instructing men. Imagine little me bossing men thirty-eight years old around - - - Gr-r-r-r.
Say would you be kind enough to give Miss Thompson my address so that she will be able to send me the paper that the college puts out for us. I got two copies of it when I was in Philadelphia and sure was swell knowing what is going on in the college.
By the way how did the girls show turn out? Of course it couldnt have been as good as our show but I know they tried hard so it must have been pretty good.
Well Mom Im going to mob the Dr. now and try and get out of this place so Ill be signing off soon. Give my best to everybody and Ill be up to see you all of you as soon as I can.
As ever
P.S. Did you get a frame yet?
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