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Edward Klingler

Photo of edward klingler

Edward Klingler

  • Date of Birth: 9/11/1915
  • Degree: Education - General Elementary
  • Date Enrolled NSTC: 9/1/1933
  • Date Graduated from NSTC: 6/15/1936
  • Enlistment Date: 2/1/1943


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Albert Paskow Press Release Post May 1943

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Pvt. Edw. A. Klingler
3828 Q.M. TRK. Co.
A.P.O. 75 90 P.M.
San Francisco, Cal
Attn: Sophomore Class

Dear Miss Thompson,

Im now at my overseas station, out of the Infantry, and in a Quartermaster truck Co. Im the Co. radio-electrician.
After Pearl Harbor, we refueled at Ulithi, and then sailed past Samar, Leyte, Ulusan Vol., Sibuyan and through the China Sea to Manila Bay. We arrived in Manila Bay, Sat. + debarked from the Evangeline, Mon. we then boarded L.C.Ts which took us to a railroad siding. We rode 18 miles south, by train, to Alabanga. From Alabanga we hiked 3 miles through rain to the 5th Repl. Depot. Wednesday we left by truck for this area which is on the outskirts of Manila (which is a terrible mess.) when we arrived here the area was just a clearing but in a few hrs. we pitched tents and other equipment. The area was a Jap ammo. Dump. We have to stay in our area as there are duds all around, and quite a few already went off since were here.
Yesterday I and 9 others put in electric lighting in all the tents. We have a large generator for our power. Theres plenty of boys still getting killed here everyday. Most of them by duds. Although MacArthur said only 500 Japs were still in the hills, 8000 have been captured since. And the staged a Banzai charge one night.
Were all learning to drive 2 = ton trucks. On the highway here, there is more traffic than on Fifth Ave.
I wish wed get mail soon. The last mail call was a month ago. They say itll be at least another week before we get mail.
Ill sign off now. Please give my regards to the class and the faculty.

Respectfully yours,
Eddie Klingler

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