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Edward Tannenbaum

Photo of edward tannenbaum

Edward Tannenbaum

  • Date of Birth: 12/20/1919
  • Date Deceased: 8/27/1998
  • Degree: Education - Fine Arts
  • Date Enrolled NSTC: 9/1/1938
  • Date Graduated from NSTC: 6/13/1942
  • Enlistment Date: 9/28/1942
  • Discharge Date: 2/24/1946


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Clement Tetkowski December 9 1942

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Miss Nancy Thompson
N.J. State Teacher College
Bfway & 4th Ave, Newark, N.J.
Captain Edward E. Tannenbaum
1871st Engineers APO 9025
San Francisco, California

Dear Miss Thompson:

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. Likewise for Miss Lipson and Miss Lee & Rice. Greeting to the Library Club from New Guinea. Ifve been for a while in Australia [Censored] war news, we make it. [Censored] know why. The Engineers do wonderful work. I [illegible] in a battalion aid station doing all kinds of work. I hold sick call, evacuate to a hospital, defense council on a court-martial board, and Special Services officer & PX officer.

I organized athletic teams and [illegible] an outdoor movie. I had hundreds & hundreds on the mountainside for a show last evening. The pictures are old but anything is perfect & new to us. Havenft heard a Radio in months.

All delicacies here are missing. My mouth waters when I think of good american candy, apples, juicy pears etc.

Its hot & very muddy. Rains very often, comes down by the bucketful. The natives are short, black, bushy hear, wear only a loin cloth, no shoes, stockings nor a thing else. Women natives are just as nude. This is real jungle with its animals, insects, snakes & japs. If & when I come back, Ifll have plenty of stories to tell. Remember me to Dr. Schaeffer & the whole faculty & Mrs. Vaughn-Eames, Mrs. & Mr. French & the others.

Lets hear from you,

E. Edward Tannenbaum

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