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Frank Tansey

Photo of frank tansey

Frank Tansey

  • Date of Birth: 4/2/1921
  • Date Deceased: 1/29/1990
  • Last Known Location: South Orange, NJ
  • Degree: Education - Industrial Arts
  • Date Enrolled NSTC: 9/1/1939
  • Date Graduated from NSTC: 6/18/1943
  • Enlistment Date: 12/15/1942
  • Discharge Date: 11/26/1945


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Frank Tansey December 18 1942

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Dec 18.

[Script F]

Miss Thompson ?

I am now in the Army and I really like it. The work is arduous but we all enjoy it. We had our intelligence quizzes and 98% of the college grads passed with marks of 110 or Better. A mark of 110 is passing and 150 is the highest. My Mark was 3rd highest 129. Beyond happy. This means that I can apply for Officers Training. If there is anything that I miss it is Newark State. I am now a corporal stationed at Fort Dix. I will soon be stationed at Camp Perry Ohio, on the shores of Lake Erie. It is really cold out there but I feel that I will like it. I have been assigned to the company Post Office where I am the assistant Post Master. If anyone tells you that the Army food is bad they are lying. The food is the best that money can buy and it is not rationed. A man is allowed to eat all that he can. Butter is plentiful and sugar is not curbed in the use of coffee & cereal. Almost all of the boys in our outfit has gained from one to five pounds to date.

I must close now as The Post Office is opening.


Frank Tansey
I.A. 43.

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